"...I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." (Romans10:1-3)
Women's day, Pastor's day, Men's day, Children's day, Stewart's day, Usher's day etc.
In any culture festivals, and banquets and parades are how people past the time. Holidays are days looked forward to on a calendar. The Most High God is no different. There are a set of days set aside for the celebration of the Plan of God, the Will of God and the works of His hand.
However at some point during the 3rd century after a string of councils, the Emperor 'Constantine the Great' wanted to separate the catholic church from all things considered Jew or Jewish. I don t think he ever read the scripture, "...my kinsmen according to the flesh... are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises"(Romans 9:3-5).
You can NEVER separate Israel from the Bible.
Even the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was an Israelite and futhermore called the Holy One of Israel.
Jesus was prophesied to be ruler in Israel; and save Israel! (not your personal savior) Luke 1:30-33
Even in New Jerusalem also called the Kingdom of God there are 12 gates named after the 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL (Revelation 21:12).
This is why there are 12 months in a year
4wks in a month (4x3=12)
24hrs in a day (12x2=24)**
Not to mention the fact the city is called 'new Jerusalem' the capital city in Israel since King David moved his throne there from Hebron.
It is because of this disconnect that the man-made (or in this case Emperor-made) holiday Easter never falls on the same day every year.
Constantine wanted to be sure it never fell on the same day as Passover. Passover is called a Jewish holiday even though it was Jesus who died on Passover. And it was /is the believer's sins that get passed-over.
The New Testament even calls Christ our passover.
(1Corinthians 5:1-7)
Jesus Christ Our Passover
Nevertheless, it is human nature to want to celebrate God's goodness on earth.
Therefore when you know that you should do something, but you have nothing to do (because preachers call God's festivals a Jewish thing), you make up something to do.
*So instead of celebrating the different aspects of God Almighty they celebrate the fraternity of the usher board.
There are however Holy Days (holidays) found in the Bible. 3 feasts (Unleavend Bread [7days long], Pentecost [1day], Tabernacles[8days long]), 2 memorials (The Passover, Blowing of trumpets), and 1 fast (The day of Atonement).
That's 7 days out the year for special celebration of God and His power!
Come out of Babylon my people and no longer be partake of her sins. "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4)
May the Lord add a blessing to the reading, hearing and doing of His Word... In Jesus name
It does sound crazy that ppl make up holidays to celebrate instead of celebrating the ones in the Bible. I cant wait to see the blogs talking more about them!