Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Religious use of pot seen as legal refuge

 Back in 2003 the BBC network ran an article about cannabis being linked to biblical healing.

It has been claimed that Jesus and the apostles may have used a cannabis-based anointing oil to help cure people with crippling diseases. 

Sula Benet (1903 – 1982), also known as Sara Benetowa, was a Polish anthropologist of the 20th century who studied Judaic customs and traditions. Her studies  have gained notability because of her translations in the book of Exodus (30:22-33)concerning of the herb known as kaneh-bosm or kneh-bosm and how it relates to the religious use of  canibus. Kaneh-bosem is mentioned in the Old Testament as part of the holy anointing oil used in the temple.  Through the analysis of ancient texts (including pre-Hebrew Semitic language), and the pharmacological consistencies, she contends that the word kaneh-bosm actually refers to cannabis and was used to make medicine and for the ritual sacrament of Israel.

Benet's work is yet another example of the plants long and culturally important history. And should serve as a reminder that the criminalization and demonization of cannabis is a recent invention (1937).

Researchers in the United States say concur that the oil used in the early days of the Christian church contained high levels of the cannabis extract. The team of US researches suggested that the extract, which is absorbed into the body when placed on the skin, could have helped cure people with a variety of mental and physical problems. 
The medical use of cannabis during that time is also supposedly supported by archaeological records. 

The holy anointing oil, as described in the original Hebrew version of the recipe in Exodus, contained over six pounds of keneh-bosum - a substance identified by respected etymology, linguists anthropologists, botanists and other researchers as cannabis extracted into about six quarts of olive oil along with a variety of other fragrant herbs.
The ancient annointed ones were literally drenched in this potent mixture.

"Interestingly, cannabis has been shown to be effective in the treatment of not only epilepsy but many of the other ailments that Jesus and the disciples healed people of such as skin diseases, eye problems and menstrual problems," said the author of the article, Chris Bennett.

One church in Denver, CO agrees with Mr. Bennett's findings as reported by the Denver Post last Sunday.

In the Denver Post article, John Ingold

Updated: 06/27/2010 09:09:09 AM MDT
Janet Rosendahl 
being anointed with Oil 
containing cannabis extract 
after the ancient custom.
(Joe Amon photos, The Denver Post)

In the photo above this woman Janet is anointed with holy oil by the Rev. Roger Christie after joining the Hawaii Cannabis Ministry at the Oriental Theater.

"If there's anybody here who's a member of law enforcement, you don't have to identify yourself, just please leave," the Rev. Timothy Tipton told a crowd at Denver's Oriental Theater. "This is a private event."

The Oriental Theater was actually one of many private events on the "Cannabis Church Revival Tour."  The Cannabis Church Revival tour is, a three-event swing promoting the religious use of marijuana and its potential as a legal defense against pot prosecution. The Revival tour was organized by Rev. Roger Christie, founder of The Hawaii Cannabis Ministry, and was organized as a way to spread awareness about his church and its affiliates.

Christie touted religious use of cannabis as a legal refuge for marijuana users of all stripes protected by the First Amendment — as long as they are sincere.
"You can still have cannabis, but you don't have to be sick," he said. "Or if you are sick, you don't have to go to the doctor. A lot of people go to the doctor for legal protection. We provide another source of legal protection."
However, the problem is, the courts have not interpreted the laws in the same way.
State courts in Hawaii, Alaska and Arizona, as well as at least one federal appellate court, have rejected freedom-of-religion defenses in marijuana cases.In addition recently in Clear Creek County, a judge convicted a man in a marijuana possession case after deciding his religious beliefs weren't sufficient to exempt him from state law.
Christie said however, that the church has had 108 legal victories across the country, but that number includes only cases where charges were dropped or not filed and none were jury victories.Christie is pursuing a federal lawsuit in Hawaii that could set a precedent for protecting spiritual use of marijuana.

Membership guidelines under Christie include signing a document attesting to your sincerity as well as washing your hands with hemp soap before entering the sanctuary.

Kathleen Chippi, a  dispensary owner who is starting a cannabis ministry, said that new church members will be asked to take a cannabis theology class. "If you want to use cannabis as sacrament and use that as a defense, you need to know what you're talking about," said,Chippi.

The Bible never says that smoking is a sin. Weather it is called cannabis or tobacco. Sin IS the transgression of the law. And nowhere in the law of God does it say "thou shalt not smoke."

We all know the legal ramifications for possession of cannabis, however, here at StudyTheBibleNotTheSermon it is my job to remind you of spiritual ramifications as well as free your conscious if there are none! And there are none! (spiritually speaking of course)

May the Lord add a blessing to the study of His Word...



  1. So in most cases can u be arrested even though it is part of your religion to use marijuana?? And if so, is that legal to arrest someone for there religous practice??

  2. Amazing!
    I don't doubt it. The debate over medical marijuana is not a debate. I have witnessed a man who was HIV Pos who was 99lbs because of a loss of appetite after taking medication. As a last resort he started to smoke cannabis again and immediately his appetite returned (of course), his blood cells started to do their job & began multiplying again. The cannabis also stopped him from becoming sick from the medication.
    Keep it going Locksmif ;-)

  3. well Shannon, like is written in the blog, the point of the service (besides practicing anointing the way the patriarchs did)is to help the legalization agenda. Notice it mentions nowhere in the post about smoking, however, a possession charge could be tossed out based on the US law about religous freedom's (this is why that church has new members sign sincerity forms). Mr. Christie's church 'has had 108 legal victories but none were jury victories.' I also reported that Christie is pursuing a federal lawsuit in Hawaii that could set a precedent for protecting spiritual use of marijuana.
    So to answer your question when it becomes legal and recognized by the courts NO, until that time YES!
    Be Blessed & thanks for reading :-)


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