Thursday, November 19, 2009


LET IT BE KNOWN: The Bible says: "And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth" (Exodus 23:13). However, in accommodating this command we would render ourselves, as believer’s, unable to communicate with the rest of the world. We would have to leave the earth. (1Corinthians 5:9) For as the title suggests: Paganism IS All around Us!

How would we as Christian’s communicate if we never spoke the names of any of the months of the year? Most of their names have their origins in Paganism.

  • January

Named after the Roman god of doorways, entrances, gateways, thresholds, beginnings and endings, Janus (the month Januarius). Janus was a two headed god that could see into the past and the future; hence the first month being named after her. The god of the doorways is where we get the word ‘janitor’ from; the caretaker of doors and gateways.

  • February

The name comes either from the old-Italian god Februus. On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februa's month, signifying the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome during this month. On the 14th day of the month was a holiday to honour the goddess Juno, the Queen of the Roman pantheon, and the goddess of women and marriage. It was therefore no coincidence that the Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day.

  • March

This is the first month of the Roman year. It is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. Mars was the Roman version of Ares the Greek god of war.

  • April
Called Aprilis, from aperire, "to open". Possible because it is the month in which the buds begin to open. April was Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus. She was wife of Vulcan and the mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas.

  • May
The third month of the Roman calendar. The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence.

  • June
The fourth month was named in honor of Juno. wife of Jupiter and queen of the heavens and gods.

  • July

Originally called Quintilis (fifth month). It was the month in which Julius Caesar was born. In 44 BC after his assassination, to deify and immortalize his name it was renamed Julius.

  • August

Originally this month was called Sextilis (from sextus, "six"). It was also called, 'Weodmonao', which means 'month of weeds' (Modern farmers/gardeners still hold this to be true). Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar, the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (because several fortunate events of his life occurred during this month). A synonym for the adjective 'august' is 'venerable', and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar.

  • September
The name comes from septem, "seven".

  • October
The name comes from octo, "eight"

  • November
The name comes from novem, "nine".

  • December
The name comes from decem, "ten".

For more info and images check out the youtube link below.

FOOD 4 THOUGHT (you do the dishes): God’s calender starts in the spring when the earth is alive, not in the middle of winter. Israel left Egypt in ‘the beginning of months’ (Exodus 12:1-3), this was anywehere from late March to early May. If that is not proof that Paganism is all around us, (even in this so-called Christian nation) then I don’t know what is. Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year.

May the Lord add a blessing to the understanding of His Word.


1 comment:

  1. Yes I believe individuals need to educate themselves more on the origin of a lot of things. I began my research on this a while back but am glad you posted it here...keep 'em coming!


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